Which Was Worse 9/11 or Slavery?

Glassford Crossfield
Important Miscellaneous Posts
4 min readSep 12, 2023


I understand why you came here with haste. Why even ask this question?

I’m here to tell you why.

Every year on 9/11 it seems as though on social media that there are people that come together to try to honor some of the lives that were lost on that date. Ironically there are also a group of people that have a tendency to say that 9/11 was a minor event in comparison to slavery.

Words cannot express how much this bothers me.

Is this a struggle off? Is this a tragedy off? Why do we even have to point out which one was worse.

I truly feel like the fact that those people only bring up slavery when 9/11 comes around are mighty disingenuous.

Imagine saying how much you care about a cause and you only bring it up once a year.

Is slavery worse than 9/11 on September 11th,12th,13th,14th etc.? Or is it just worse on this particular day when it’s one of the most common talking points?

If you truly care about this tragedy how some claim that they do, you’d surely bring it up for more than one day.

I just can’t imagine going through something that horrific, and as I’m explaining how this tragedy makes me feel, someone else chimes in to let me know that I’m simply being dramatic.

It is not as though the people speaking on 9/11 are talking down on slavery or are taking an aggressive tone. It is literally just some people saying, “R.I.P to the lives lost today.”

How can someone take issue with this?

Imagine if white people were to come out on Juneteenth and say slavery wasn’t as bad as 9/11. Picture the chaos that would ensue.

God forbid if a white person were to stand up for themselves on 9/11 and say that slavery wasn’t as bad, they would be called a series of names and chastised for their opinion relentlessly.

“I’m going through a rough time right now.” “Well don’t worry it’s nothing in comparison to what I’ve gone through.”

How stupid does that sound?

And newsflash, black people also died on 9/11.

This date may hit close to home to a lot more people seeing that 9/11 is far more recent and that most of us have lived through it.

The people who talk about slavery when it’s convenient, I like to call them social media wariors. If you’re wondering what I mean when I say this check this out:

In summary a social media warrior is someone who regularly complains about the problems or hardships that their people go through while doing nothing to combat those issues other than hitting repost.

The black people that are social media warriors have a tendency to talk about their community’s transgressions on 4 days out of the year.

Those days being: the 4th of July, to let us know that this date doesn’t represent the date that we were all truly free.

The next date being June 19th, to let us know that this is the day that we were all truly free.

The next date being on 9/11, to let us know that there is in fact a worse tragedy in American history.

The final date being any day that an innocent black person dies in the black community, to let us know what we should do while they do absolutely nothing but tweet about the event.

I’ve found that most people in the black community are social media warriors, feeling as though them putting the information out there is more than enough.

Please try to be sympathetic for the people that have been lost, and to the families who lost a loved one.

I understand the level of frustration as a black person feeling like your tragedies, issues and history have been swept under the rug far too long, while wondering where your shoulder is to cry on.

Where is your nation nurturing you through your difficulties, where is your “never forget” moment. It can seem like the nation at times has done everything in their power to make sure that people forget and move on.

I understand it, I truly do.

But belittling one tragedy to put another in the limelight is not the right way to approach this.

Fathers, daughters, mothers, sisters and all sorts of family members were lost that day.

Think how you would react if it were one of your own. Be sensitive to the ones who were impacted.

Please try to put your emotions to the side for one day and let these people grieve.

Also, if you feel the need to talk about slavery ONLY on every September 11th, reevaluate the real reason why you’re doing this. Reevaluate how much you truly care about something that you only to bring up once a year.

God bless you.

The answer to the title is that they are both horrific in different ways and we shouldn’t try to disregard or belittle anyone’s feelings toward either event.

